Wells Fargo's Unauthorized Accounts Likely Hurt Customers' Credit Scores – NPR

Christopher · September 26, 2016 · Uncategorized · 0 comments

Wells Fargo’s Unauthorized Accounts Likely Hurt Customers’ Credit Scores
This month federal regulators fined Wells Fargo $185 million for opening checking and credit card accounts on behalf of customers who had no idea that was happening. The bank has promised to try to make restitution. But that’s a lot harder than it sounds.
US Labor Department launches review of all Wells Fargo complaintsReuters
Parsing the Great Wells Fargo Bank RobberyWall Street Journal
Wells Fargo’s CEO Would Make Over $100 Million Even if He Was Fired for Phony AccountsFortune
Los Angeles Times –ABC News –Charlotte Observer –Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
all 267 news articles »

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